Microsoft has put an end to recent rumors suggesting that Gear of War was making its way to the PC. An image of a Games for Windows store display showcasing a Gears of War screen fanned eager PC gamer flames and many blogs were quick to point out that a PC version of Gears of War was imminent.
Microsoft has now gone on record to clear things up and claims that the appearance of a Gears of War image on the Games for Windows display was nothing more than an error. The full MS explanation states, Gears of War was accidentally included by the artist as one of the MGS titles used as examples to show what our retail setup would look like. This DOES NOT indicate a confirmation that Gears of Wars will be a Games for Windows title -- it was a concept image created by a concept artist, nothing more. In fact, if you look closely you'll also see that Age of Empires III and Rise of Legends are also branded Games for Windows, and this is not actually the case (Age of Empires III: The Warchiefs is a Games for Windows branded game, but not the original Age III).
Whether you believe Microsoft will pass the chance to make an extra buck on Gears of War for PC, in a couple of years time, or not, you have to believe that if Halo 2 fails to drive the target demographic to buy Vista you may get a Gears of War Vista only edition soon.