A new study conducted by Dr. John Porcari from the University of Wisconsin concludes that using EA SPORTS Active and EA SPORTS Active More Workouts passed fitness guidelines for an effective workout put forth by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The results indicated that EA SPORTS Active can improve aerobic capacity and favorably affect body composition when used on a regular basis as part of a healthy, active lifestyle. ACSM is the largest international sports medicine organization and leading authority on exercise science.
"ACSM sets key guidelines on what constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle, recommending that individuals perform 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise five days per week, or 20 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise three days per week, as determined by specific heart rate and oxygen consumption criteria" said Dr. John Porcari, Ph.D, the Executive Director of the La Crosse Exercise and Health Program at the University of Wisconsin who led the study. "In terms of the intensity criteria, both workouts tested from EA SPORTS Active were sufficiently intense to be within ACSM guidelines."
EA SPORTS Active is an innovative line of digital fitness products that offer personalized, customizable workouts developed in collaboration with fitness experts. Based on the principle that working out can be just as engaging as it is effective, EA commissioned the study to determine the efficacy of its product line.
"We believe that exercise should be a part of every individual's daily life, and our digital fitness programs are designed to help people make that belief a reality," said Tarrnie Williams, Executive Producer, EA SPORTS Active. "We wanted to put EA SPORTS Active to the test to show people that as fun as the programs can be, they're going to give you a real, challenging workout."
The study tested 16 physically active adults between the ages of 25 and 45 to determine the relative exercise intensity and caloric expenditure of two pre-set EA SPORTS Active workouts: Afterburner and Legs & Lungs. Results of both workouts met ACSM guidelines for effective physical fitness, which recommend that individuals exercise at an intensity between 64 per cent and 94 per cent of their maximum heart rate or 40 per cent to 85 per cent of their maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), as well as burn a minimum of 200-300 calories per session, five days per week, in order to maintain proper health and to aid in weight control.
"Our mission is to promote and integrate scientific research, education and practical applications of sports medicine and exercise science," said Jim Whitehead, President and CEO, ACSM. "We develop guidelines to promote healthy living and are glad to see that EA SPORTS Active meets those guidelines for an effective workout."
The EA SPORTS Active franchise includes EA SPORTS Active and EA SPORTS Active More Workouts, and will be expanding its digital fitness product line with EA SPORTS Active 2 available this fall on PlayStation 3, Wii, iPhone and iPod touch. The EA SPORTS Active 2 fitness program with feature an innovative Total Body Tracking wireless control system, powered by new leg and arm straps with motion sensors and a heart rate monitor to capture intensity that will deliver true fitness results. Users will also be able to track and share workout data on the new EA SPORTS Active 2 online hub.