Nintendo's consoles of recent years have been great hotbeds of activity for Indie developers and that's not going to be any different with the Nintendo Switch. Showcased during its recent direct showing, Nintendo debuted a bunch of different "Nindies," that would be coming to the console in the near future.
One of the first to be shown off during the conference was Super Meat Boy Forever. Dr Fetus is being a jerk again and that means running through levels, dodging blades and ultimately, saving Nugget, Meat Boy and Bandage Girl's new born baby.
Now Meat Boy's Mad and he's going to get even with all new punching and kicking powers.
Kentucky Route Zero is being ported over to the system too, bringing with it the game's fifth and final chapter, finally closing out the silhouetted story after many years of development.
Morphies law is an interesting game about mass transference on a grand scale. Hit your enemy and steal their body mass. Depending on what you hit, your body will grow in size. Shooting heads, gives you a bigger dome, while shooting limbs does much the same while shrinking the corresponding body part of your opponent.
The ultimate goal is to be the biggest. The larger your avatar, the higher your chance of winning, but the bigger target you become.
And then there's Battle Chef, which is as bizarre as it sounds:
Which Nindies are you most excited about?