If you haven't tried out Overwatch yet, then next weekend might be your best chance. The shooter is going free to play for the weekend on PS4 and Xbox One, giving everyone the option to play any time between September 9-12.
This will operate a little like the beta in the lead up to release, but unlike that pre-launch testing period, this free trial will make all 13 maps available to everyone, with every single game mode playable, with every single character. That's 22 heroes in total, and Quick Play, Custom games, Play vs AI and Weekly Brawl will all be available.
Better yet, if you like the game enough to buy it and want to continue playing after that weekend, any progress you make during your time will be carried over. That also means you'll get to keep your Loot Boxes, though you won't be able to earn any trophies or achievements during the trial - you'll need the full game for those.
To gain access to this trial, you'll need to search for the Overwatch free Weekend on PSN and Xbox Live, download the free weekend client - which works out to around 9GB on the PS4 and 15GB on the Xbox One - make an account and away you go.
You'll be gunning down friends and enemies alike in no time.
Have any of you been enjoying Overwatch since its release? If so, how would you sell non players on trying it out for a few days?