Players Discover Hidden Plasmid Pack 1 in Bioshock

Players Discover Hidden Plasmid Pack 1 in Bioshock Players Discover Hidden Plasmid Pack 1 in Bioshock

While messing around with Bioshock's ini files (configuration files), a junior member called Zemlor at the official 2k forum discovered references to "PlasmidPack1".

Plasmid Pack 1 is in a section dubbed "Downloadable content announcement" but there is no clue yet whether this downloadable content will be free or (most probably) not.

Entries in Bioshock ini files suggest that the first Plasmid Pack is already finished. A section in Manual.ini file reads (cleaned and simplified by MegaGames):
;Downloadable content announcement
TopicType= Gene Tonics Unlocked!
FriendlyName= (Downloaded Content)
Having concluded clinical trials on four new Genetic Improvements, Ryan Industries is proud to announce the general release of their newest products:
Machine Buster
Vending Expert
Sonic Boom
EVE Saver
Look for them at a Gatherer's Garden near you!"

Plasmids.ini file also includes a section titled "Ecology Plasmids" that are "deactivated" right now but they are not mentioned in the Plasmid Pack 1 either. Putting a semicolon (;) before a line in an ini files informs the game engine to ignore that line. A cleaned and simplified version of the section is as follows:
"; FriendlyName=Mutant Synergy Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=Junkers who are near to you will take less damage.

; FriendlyName=Drone Neural Dampening Field Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=Drones take longer to sound their alarms when near you.

; FriendlyName=Pressure Manipulation Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=You can use a Pressure Station even if its timer is currently running.

; FriendlyName=Drone Attractant Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=Makes Drones want to follow you.

; FriendlyName=Drone Synergy Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=Drones who are near to you will take less damage.

; FriendlyName=High-Pressure Armor Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=When local pressure is high, you take less damage.

; FriendlyName=High-Pressure Conservation Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=When local pressure is high, your Active Plasmids consume less EVE.

; FriendlyName=High Pressure Entropic Dampening Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=When local pressure is high, your weapons will not degrade.

; FriendlyName=High-Pressure Plasmid Synergy Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=When local pressure is high, all your other Plasmids are treated as if they had an extra slot.

; FriendlyName=High-Pressure Security Crate Access Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=You can automatically open security crates in high pressure.

; FriendlyName=Localized High Pressure Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=Your Weapons and Plasmids are always treated as if they were in high pressure.

; FriendlyName=Localized Low Pressure Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=Your Weapons and Plasmids are always treated as if they were in low pressure.

; FriendlyName=Low Pressure Armor Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=When local pressure is low, you take less damage.

; FriendlyName=Low Pressure Conservation Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=When local pressure is low, your Active Plasmids consume less EVE.

; FriendlyName=Low Pressure Entropic Dampening Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=When local pressure is low, your weapons will not degrade.

; FriendlyName=Low Pressure Plasmid Synergy Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=When local pressure is low, all your other Plasmids are treated as if they had an extra slot.

; FriendlyName=Low Pressure Security Crate Access Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=You can automatically open security crates in low pressure.

; FriendlyName=Guardian Synergy Plasmid (Ecology)
; Description=Guardians near to you will take less damage.
; Prereqs[4]=0"

Those "Ecology Plasmids" may have been omitted from the game, simply, because they didn't appeal to the game designers after implementing them. But omitting 4 plasmids and dubbing them "Plasmid Pack 1" most probably is a marketing decision.