Love it or hate it Prey offered a great deal of innovation, introducing new gameplay dynamics in style even under the pressure of ten years of gamer anticipation.
Prey's innovative portals and gravity reversing tricks, helped it sell very well for both the PC and Xbox 360, so a sequel was a logical choice for its developers. In fact, there was talk of a sequel even before the game released but now we have the first definite mention of a sequel by Prey's creators. Speaking to CVG, Chris Rhinehart, Human Head co-founder, said, We're discussing a lot of cool new ideas for Prey 2, but we can't really talk about them. There's the simple dynamic stuff, developing the Portal system and the improving the way the alien AI uses the portals. Plus, there's already a mod out there that gives you a portal wrench, just the same as in Portal. We don't want to give away some of the cooler new stuff at this stage. We have some ideas that are way beyond how far we went in the first game that we want to explore pretty extensively -- we'll definitely be taking things in a different direction next time.
Encouraging words for Prey fans although it is unlikely we will have anything solid on Prey 2 until the end of 2007.