Although Sony has managed to keep a low profile on the details and development schedule of the PS3, it seems that as others become involved more and more information will begin to surface. Page44, a development studio based in San Francisco, has already placed an ad looking for a Senior 3D Graphics Programmer to work on its upcoming PS3 Ice Hockey title. As the ad puts it the ideal candidate will be responsible for the graphics portion of our PS3 Hockey title.
You will find a link to Page 44s web site by following the download tab above, all you have to do is follow the Jobs link and you will get a good idea of what the company is planning for the future consoles.
The other interesting bit of information to come out of the ads is not the, after all highly publicized, Senior 3D Graphics Programmer position but that of AI/Gameplay Programmer. The description of that position is worrying since it might confirm our worst fears on the development of content for the PSP. Part of what the AI/Gameplay Programmer will do is port our existing PS2 hockey game's AI system to the PSP, working within a cross platform environment. That statement confirms the fear that development for the PSP may eventually become a stale transfer of PS2 titles to the new handheld. We use the word eventually since Sony has guaranteed that for, at least, the first six months only original titles will be developed. The other worrying part of that job description is that a cross platform environment is all ready and waiting for the applicant, suggesting strong Sony support for such practices.
Page44 is a studio which in the past has developed Motocross and Ice Hockey titles.