Clearly seeing the writing on the wall from the likes of the Xbox's remote streaming and the assault from Steam Machines into the living room, Sony has announced that it has plans to bring streaming/remote play to the PlayStation 4, allowing PC and Mac users to play their games on their PC instead.
This sort of second-screen gaming has been possible on the Wii U since the console's launch, and is one of its better features, letting you cede the TV to your partner or roommate but continue your game anyway. The Xbox One recently gained the same ability, though playing on the PC rather than on a tablet device and now with Sony set to do it too, the whole range of consoles will be streaming enabled.
As much as there are other consoles and companies working on this ability though, perhaps another important reason that Sony made this announcement, is that an indie-developer has been working on the ability to stream to PCs too and was planned to sell the ability to PlayStation users for $10 a pop.
Although that may still happen, its much less likely after this announcement and must be a source of frustration for Twisted, who has spent upwards of a year working on this technology.
Would you play PS4 games on your PC if given the chance?