Although a number of fans are still sore at the fact that Goldeneye 64 isn't present in the collection, Rare's recently released Replay bundle has become the developer's most well received, highest rated game since the release of Banjo Kazooie way back in 1998. However with emulation not always being an exact science and sometimes resource intensive, some wondered whether the games that had been brought over to the new generation of systems could run at the contemporary standard of detail.
It turns out they can.
In a test run by the DigitalFoundry lot, it was discovered that all of the games Rare has emulated in the Replay run at 1080p, with some games hitting 60 FPS, while others run at 30.
Some of the games too have had reworked visuals. Perfect Dark for example looks nicely refreshed, with better texturing and lighting than before, but without insulting the original visual style of the game.
Some of the jaggedness has been removed from a few of the games too, thanks to a layer of 4x MSAA.
Not everything is perfect of course, with some mip-mapping issues making the PC emulation of the original look a little nicer with distant objects, but for the most part everything looks great and offers a wonderful way for some of these classic titles to be experienced, without having to dish out a lot of money for older systems, their accessories - not to mention the games themselves.
An original copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day alone can set you back $200.