Red Dead Online bugs lead to mass horse graves

Red Dead Online bugs lead to mass horse graves

Rockstar's Red Dead Online is not in a healthy state right now, with users reporting endless bugs like missing NPCs, horses that don't return when whistled for, quest givers that reappear at weird times, and crashes. But more inexplicably of all, the online world seems to be spawning masses and masses of dead, skinned horses all in a macabre pile.

The mass graves seem to be localized to Valentine, but why they're there is anyone's guess. They're piled up haphazardly just on the road, with no indication of how they got there or who skinned them. Presumably they were randomly spawned in by the game world, but you know some creepypastas will be written about these grave sites.

As Eurogamer points out though, there is the potential for this to be a somewhat accurate bug, even if it wasn't intentional.

In 1899, a man killed 30 horses after someone stole his wife's necklace. The thief apparently rode on a black horse, so this individual spent six months rounding up similar looking animals, slaying them and skinning them. He was eventually sentenced to death for animal cruelty.

I don't think anyone is getting the chop for this bug, unless it's some Rockstar programmer.

Have you come across any creepy mass graves in Red Dead Online? Intentional or no?

Image source: ShittyCommentaries/YouTube