If you're the kind of gamer who doesn't mind having aspects of a game spoiler for you, or you would never play a Resident Evil game and just want to see what the fuss is all about, we have a new eight minute video of Resident Evil 7, complete with IGN commentary to help break down what's on show.
The setting for the gameplay demo we're shown, is that your character has been kidnapped by the Baker family and somewhere in their house, your spouse has also been captured. It's your job to find them and escape, without being beaten to death on the way out.
Your only ally in the house is a woman's voice on the end of a phone line in your pseudo-safe-house, but even she doesn't seem likely to be on your side really.
The whole time you're in the house, you're faced with avoiding the stomping, axe-wielding figure of Jack Baker, who methodically follows you with a will to destroy your body. Fortunately at some point you pick up a pistol, which lets you fight back, but shots to the head aren't as effective as Resident Evil games of yesteryear, old Jack will take some putting down.
But there are puzzles, there's doors to unlock, as well as enemies to avoid, giving the game a much closer Resident Evil feel.
RE7 appears to gel elements of its historic past, with much more contemporary design choices. Do you feel it get the balance right?