Silent Hill easter egg discovered in Metal Gear Solid V

Silent Hill easter egg discovered in Metal Gear Solid V

Konami might have scrubbed any mention of Hideo Kojima from the latest Metal Gear Solid game, but the developers still managed to get a little nod to the longtime series developer in there. That easter egg points to another franchise of Kojima's, Silent Hill, something else he will no longer be able to develop after parting ways with Konami.

If you'd rather find the easter egg yourself, then read no further, as we'll break down - along with a video - how to find it.

The first step is to get to the second map, the Angola-Zaire border region and head to the Ngumba Industrial Zone. There you'll find some huts, one of which has a radio in. This isn't that uncommon in the game, with many radios blaring music or random bits of talking heads discussing various things.

However this particular radio broadcasts just one message that happens to be related to the plot of the PT playable demo from earlier this year that suggested a return for the Silent Hill franchise. Unfortunately that game is no longer happening, despite a positive response to the demo.