Silent Hills 2 players are still discovering new secrets

Silent Hills 2 players are still discovering new secrets

A couple of intriguing new secrets have been unearthed in the 17-year-old Silent Hills 2 by dedicated players who continue to dig around its story. Twitter user Punk7890 discovered that if you complete certain parts of the game and make a very specific set of button presses, you can unlock a minimap and the ability to save anywhere you want.

As with most of the surreal game secrets discovered by super dedicated gamers, the two new ones unearthed by Punk are exceedingly precise and lengthy. You need to unlock the "dog ending," which is where you complete the game in a specific way for a third time (that is, complete it three times in a row) only to discover that the whole plot of the game was orchestrated by a dog in an office.

Once you've done that, you need to press a specific button combination and suddenly you have a pair of features that would be most useful for developers and were perhaps left in the game as a reward for bizarrely dedicated gamers. As we know from most games though, if they're beloved enough, gamers will dig through and find just about anything left behind.

Image source: TCRF