Frictional Games is well known at this point for producing some of the scariest experiences on PC, from the original Penumbra, to Amnesia: Dark Descent, Frictional has been scaring the pants off of us for years and it's not long now until it does it all again, but with perhaps a creepier, less jumpy, vibe, with SOMA.
Set underwater, perhaps on another world, SOMA has players tasked with surviving and avoiding rampant enemies as before, but there's more interaction in this one and more of a theme of the question, what does it mean to be alive?
Better yet, it's coming very soon. The PC and PS4 title will be released in just one more month's time, with the final features being added over the next couple of weeks.
"After this, no new non-trivial content can be added to the game. Instead, all efforts will solely focus on bug fixing, tweaking details and low-level optimization," the developer said in a Facebook update.
"After such a long development time, five whole years, it feels insane to be this close to the finishing line," Frictional said.
"In just a month we will have unleashed our game, and all of you will be able to play it."