Despite Blizzard really going to town with the difficulty of its newly introduced high-level raid, mythic Emerald Nightmare Xavius, someone has already cleared it. It represents the final boss in the end-game of the recent Legion expansion and was released just 18 hours ago - and yet it's already been completed.
The guild that managed to break through Xavius' defences, defeating all of his sub-bosses and eventually the grand champion of evil himself, was Russian guild Exorsus, despite the fact that most other top-level WoW guilds have been grinding away at them for just as long. Most seem to be stuck on Cenarius, a henchman mini-boss along the way, but Exorsus made it look easy.
Part of the reason they were able to clear it so quickly we're told, is because of all the new mythic raids that have been added in Legion, making it easier to pick up top level loot and equipment, which in turn makes it easier to take down these top level bosses.
It's still a significant achievement though that took a lot of teamwork and coordination to down these bosses in such quick time. For even the best players in the game this will take a few more days to complete and for your average players, it could mean months of work before they finally see what happens after defeating the top boss at the highest difficulty settings.
Although there are no videos of this final conflict just yet, here's a video of one of the top guilds taking on far from an easy end-game boss, Mythic Elerethe Renferal:
Source: Irvast/Deviantart