Sony Hints At Larger PS3 Drive

Sony Hints At Larger PS3 Drive

The usual culprit, Sony's spokesperson Satoshi Fukuoka, has once again hinted at the manufacturer's plans to introduce a new PS3 with a larger hard drive.

Speaking to Reuters, Mr. Fukuoka said, For users who vigorously store in the PS3, 20GB is probably going to be to small, adding, even 60GB may not be big enough eventually.

The question of the existence of a new PS3 model has also raised questions regarding other hardware changes. Mr. Fukuoka was very clear that no other hardware changes will be made in the near future. We are not likely to change its core components and functions such as the Cell, RSX, Blu-ray drive and network capability, he said, adding But outside that realm, addition and deletion is quite possible.

This is the second time within a week that the Sony rep has hinted at the need for a larger hard drive which would make sense as the company plans to use the console as a high-profile content delivery portal. The rumors, driven by Mr. Fukuoka's comments were further fueled when a Sony-filed FCC application, mentioning an 80GB PS3, was revealed. The trend towards a larger hard drive has already started as Sony only made the 60GB PS3 available to European consumers while the 20GB model will soon be discontinued in the U.S. meaning it will only be available in Japan.