Seven weeks after launch, developer Evolution Studio is still unable to fix the stability and performance problems plaguing online driving game, Driveclub. Nonetheless, Sony Computer Entertainment America President Shawn Layden believes that those problems are inevitable and benign results of ambition.
Layden believes that it was impossible for Evolution to fully test the online functionality without releasing the game to the masses.
"In the development cycle, we try to do all things," he said. "In the development cycle, we try to test against every possibility. We have a [Quality Assurance] team, we have a QA plan. You do a beta test, you scope against that."
"But now, in a connected world, you can't effectively test in your house or in your beta group what it means to have 50,000, 100,000, 200,000 users hit your service," he added. "And the guys [at the studio] are struggling with that. It's throwing up things they had not anticipated."
Layden receives daily reports from the development team and he believes that the fixing process is going forward slowly but surely.