Despite E3 showing off some big titles coming from Nintendo in the near future, the current state of its Wii U console is a relatively bright and colorful one, thanks to the smash hit Splatoon, which has been informing the FPS and third person shooter game players of the world about how some of the worst aspects of the genres can be fixed with a few simple changes.
However better news for Nintendo, is that the game has managed to sell a million copies worldwide. While that wouldn't be big news for either of the other consoles makers or big game developers, for a brand new IP, even if it is a first party Nintendo one, a million copies is significant.
It's even more so considering that there are barely 10 million Wii Us around the world. Mario Kart 8 was a killer launch for Nintendo and it only sold a few million, so Splatoon is doing very well indeed.
It doesn't seem to be slowing down much either, as despite a few networking hiccups, Nintendo is reporting that several thousand more gamers around the world join the colorful online world every day. It has plans to release new maps, modes and weapons over the next few months to keep the game feeling fresh. Indeed a datamine of the game's disc suggests that there is plenty more to show.
Have you guys played Splatoon yet. If so, what did you think?