LucasArts Entertainment Company in conjunction with Sony Online Entertainment, promises to deliver a spectacular series of massively multiplayer online games set in the Star Wars universe.
When the first of the scheduled titles within the Star Wars Galaxies line launches in 2002, thousands of people will take part in a virtual re-creation of the Star Wars universe -- allowing them to explore familiar Star Wars worlds, become Force-wielding Jedi, participate in the turbulent Galactic Civil War and otherwise interact with dozens of characters and environments within their galaxy. While the first title within the Star Wars Galaxies line is still in early development, it's the right time to begin sharing information with all the loyal MMORPG and Star Wars fans. This is the official site has been launched as of November 30th.
And to kick things off, they've included a special letter from the team in the "Comments" section, three community message boards and an informative Frequently Asked Questions page. The site will be updated regularly over the coming months, remaining an active destination for information even beyond the respective game launches.
At the site you can also register and get a chance to become a beta tester for the up