Steam has supported a lot of controllers for a long time, but Sony's Dualshock 4 isn't one of them - at least until now. This week Valve has added early beta support for Sony's iconic controller, even going so far as to give it an in-client customisation tool, allowing gamers to remap their buttons and other inputs to make the experience truly customisable.
Originally announced last month at Steam Dev Days, the Dualshock 4 support is surprisingly in depth. In fact the only controller which has a similar level of customisation is the Steam controller itself. Both have native API support, which could make the Sony controller a go to alternative for those who already own a PS4.
Support is only in beta right now, so there may be some quirky bugs you have to contend with if you give it a go. However if you'd like to be one of the PS4, PC gaming pioneers, head into Big Picture mode's settings menu, click or press on Add/Test Controller settings and enable the Dualshock 4.
From there you should be able to use the gamepad like you would any other and can access some of the advanced features in the configuration support menu, much in the same fashion as the Steam controller. There you'll be able to map the controller to mouse or keyboard controls, even switching into joystick mode should you have a flight sim loaded.
Matter of fact I might try that with Kerbal Space Program...