Despite its cutesy art style, less than fearful music and almost child-like demeanor, The Flame in the Flood is not a simple game to survive. Players have to contend with hazards from wolves, to ravens, to boars, to bears and more and they all require their own methods of avoidance and combat.
Of course that's all on top of the usual survival problems that plague games like this. Finding enough food and water isn't easy and there's that cute pup of yours you need to keep alive.
To do that, you'll need to hunt and gather, which means finding flora and fauna to snack on. Build a snare trap and you'll be able to string up a rabbit. Or you could build a box trap and feast on rabbit stew that way.
Keeping one alive with you isn't a bad defensive mechanism though, as you could get a wolf to chase them and then have that same wolf chase it right to its doom on a spike trap.
Flame in the Flood has been in development for a while now, but it's finally leaving early access in just a few days time on the 26th February, so if you like the look of its roguelike-lite survival gameplay, kepe an eye out as the full version isn't far away.