Telltale partners may save Walking Dead finale

Telltale partners may save Walking Dead finale

When it was announced that Telltale Games would be shutting its doors mid-way through the production of the final season of its The Walking Dead conversational adventure game, fans were crestfallen. After six years of interactive storytelling and following in the footsteps of Clementine and the people she met along the way, they weren't going to get the finale to the tale. That may now change though, because some of Telltale's partner developers have offered to step in and help finish the game.

To date, Telltale games has launched just two episodes of the last season with a planned four that have been scripted and some preparation made for the third. It was initially thought that with the studio's mass layoffs and impending closure that they would never see the light of day. That may still be the case, but some are at least interested in seeing the game through to its conclusion in one guise or another.

Fan response to this news has been mixed, however. While some are excited about the potential to see Clementine's story come to a close, others would rather Telltale paid the more than 200 staff who have been let go in the past week. In one highlighted case, a staff member had only just moved across the country to begin work at Taleworlds and now would be forced to move back. Another will have to leave the country because of the surprise firing.

The question remains though, about what kind of support we can expect. Whoever is interested will no doubt want to be financially compensated for their time. Perhaps we'll see a developer like THQ Nordic swoop in and buy up the license in order to finish the tale.

How would you like TWD to be finished?