They did it! Twitch Plays Dark Souls beat the first boss!

They did it! Twitch Plays Dark Souls beat the first boss!

Nobody thought they could do it, but then nobody really expected them to beat Pokemon Red either and look how easy that was?

The thousands of players that have taken part in the Twitch Plays Dark Souls stream have managed to beat the first tutorial boss in the game, the Asylum Demon. This follows days of the participants opening and closing the menu, diving forward into a pool of water, rolling against the wall and all manner of useless antics.

This is because of course Dark Souls is a far more complicated game than many of the 2D titles that Twitch crowd-playing has tackled so far. Dark Souls almost proved too much for them, as after four days very little had been achieved beyond passing the character select screen. They found the first bonfire but kept teleporting back to it over and over.

To make things a little easier, the game was slowed down at one point to allow voting for commands, which made it a smidge more possible that victory could be achieved. And low and behold they did it; admittedly with only a tiny bit of health left, but they did it nonetheless.

I'm not sure which is more impressive, this, or the guy that beat the game's final boss with a guitar hero controller.