The next update for the world changing FPS that didn't do much world changing, Titanfall, is set to expand the amount of things you can do in-game, by adding a vs-ai horde mode which will pit four players teamed up cooperatively against wave after wave of IMC, AI controlled enemies.
It's called Frontier Defence Mode and like many a horde mode, it will have you facing off against ever harder groups of enemies as they try and take your stronghold from you with men, titans and lots of explosions. Fortunately you'll be kitted out in kind.
To make things a little harder, there will also be new enemy types, including snipers and suicide spectres, as well as new Arc Titans which can mess with the shields of their enemies, giving your Titans a nice dose of reality every now and then.
There's also going to be new Mortar titans which will stop you from being able to camp, by lobbing high impact ordnance over the top of your cover and right into your lap.
Other new game modes will also be added as part of the update, including Deadly Ground, which, like the games you would play as a kid or when you tried to flush drugs out of your system with Krieger's herbal tea, the ground is covered in "electrified fog," so wallrunning is your best bet.
Marked for Death Pro mode will also be added, which is basically just a round-based version of Marked for Death.
For those of you that take your Titanfalling quite seriously, the game is also getting a beta for Ranked mode, which is expected to go live around the end of October.
Are any of you guys still playing Titanfall? If so, are you looking forward to this latest patch?