As MegaGames prepares to bring you its Top 10 MegaGames of 2005 event with all the impressive graphics and lavish prizes, it may be worth to consider that gaming is not all about big titles and large publishers. Well, not all of the time anyway...
A large number of game creators and ideas originate from the independent field, an area that is usually ignored and has shrunk due to the increasing costs involved in the creation of games. In these blockbuster-title times, independent developers need to be especially creative and innovative if they are to attract enough of an audience to their product. As a result 2005 saw some impressive titles and GameTunnel has compiled a Top 10 for the year that just passed. Although we agree with most of their choices we were surprised that the impressive Darwinia was not in the Top 3 but have to admit that all 10 games bring something original to their genre and would be a worthy addition to any gamer's library.
The list includes the excellent Democracy, the delightful Zombie Smashers X2, the shamelessly odd Tribal Trouble and the truly unique Darwinia.
The complete Top 10 is as follows:
10 - New Star Soccer 3
9 - DROD: Journey to Rooted Hold
8 - Professor Fizzwizzle
7 - Darwinia
6 - Democracy
5 - Mexican Motor Mafia
4 - Tribal Trouble
3 - Zombie Smashers X2
2 - Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
2005 Game of the Year - Oasis
For a detailed look at the Top 10 and for links to the games follow the download tab above.