Trine developer cuts price on new game the more you play its demo

Trine developer cuts price on new game the more you play its demo

People have been asking for more game demos for years, with the idea that it gives them a better look at a game before putting down a sizeable sum for the full version. With the new game from Trine developer Fronzebyte though it goes once step further. The more you play its Shadwen demo, the less you'll have to pay when the final game is released.

Shadwen is a stealthy game about killing guards, sneaking through a castle, climbing walls and generally being a nuisance, but it lets you pause time when not moving to allow for expert-level planning and there's a solid physics engine for environmental based kills too.

You can play that demo now, by downloading it from the official site sources and every time you do, your abilities in-game contribute to the community score. That community score in turn lowers the price of the game for everyone. It currently sits at just over $30, so there's some play to go before it gets down into the indie-game pricing territory, but it could get there.

As well as helping cut the price down, stats from peoples various runs are being collated together to show how much attention the game is drawing in. At the time of writing, almost 15,000 guards have been killed. 72 players though made it through the entire demo without killing anyone, and six masters of stealth managed to make it through without even being detected once.

Of course there's also 230 people who butchered every living thing in the demo too.

Which kind of player are you?