Overwatch, Blizzard's in-development mix-up of Team Fortress 2 with MOBA gameplay, has been well received by beta testers so far, but the number of them has been deliberately restricted. If you want to get a chance to play the game yourself though, there are a few more slots opening up. A lot more in-fact.
You will still need an invite from an already active player to get in, but there are a lot more slots opening up this coming weekend we're told. Blizzard's larger scale beta test will begin this Friday at 9AM PST, running through until Monday November 23 at the same time.
The test will be designed to push the server hardware a little more, to make sure it can handle increased player capacity and all the extra calculations that comes with that. Throughout testing all 21 heroes will be available, though the maps and game modes will be restricted. Only Hanamura, King's Row and Watchpoint: Gibraltar will be available.
For more information on the beta event, its deployment, how you can become part of it and how to set the game up once you have your ticket, check out Blizzard's take on the whole thing here.