One question everyone has been asking for the past few weeks, is: how could Warner, Rocksteady and Iron Galaxy have released Batman Arkham Knight, without knowing its PC version was a buggy mess?
Apparently that was a dumb question to ask though, as two members of the developmental team have now come forward to say everyone was well aware of the problems plaguing that iteration of the game, but Warner thought it was simply good enough to ship.
According to Kotaku's sources, which were members of the QA and production team, many of the problems with Arkham Knight have been there for over a year. The reason they were never fixed, is because 90 per cent of QA testers were told to work on finding console bugs, of which there were many - hence the delays.
The reason there were so many issues was because the new consoles were harder to work with than expected and there were huge issues with performance too, as have been noted since their release.
All this left just a small team to work on the PC version and for some ungodly reason they only tested it at 720p resolutions, despite the vast majority of PC gamers playing at 1080p, as they have done for years. They also restricted testing to the smaller team, rather than outsourcing for more testers, as they were afraid of story leaks during the many months of delays.
And now funnily enough, it's almost "delayed" again, since Arkham Knight has been pulled from just about every shop until it's fixed. Considering how long developers have had to get it right already, who knows how long that will be.