Watch Kim Dotcom and pals try to clear Crota's End

Watch Kim Dotcom and pals try to clear Crota's End

Destiny's big expansion, The Dark Below, launched today with plenty of new content for those that like PvP, PvE and new items. Of course though with a new Raid to take part in, there's a race on to see who can clear it first and Kim Dotcom is on the hunt.

The internet entrepreneur, MegaUpload founder and continual thorn in the side of governments and copyright lobby groups the world over, has been playing the raid known as Crota's End for the past few hours with friends Deez, Henry, Taz, Eminence and the streaming host, Hutch.

Watch live video from hutch on

They've had some luck in progressing through the Raid, but it's been a tough slog and they're not done yet.

Bear in mind if you choose to watch them live, there is some NSFW language.