Based on his experience as the chief executive of World of Tanks, Victor Kislyi is willing to release a free-to-play game for Oculus Rift, but only if the peripheral sold more than 5 million units.
World of Tanks is one of the most successful free-to-play games available today. "We are free-to-play, and now even further down the road, we are free-to-win," said Kislyi . "Seventy-five per cent of our players never pay a penny, and we love those players."
And that 75% is actually a pretty decent one. According to Kislyi, the percentage of non-paying customers in free-to-play games is around 90% to 95% in other games. Even with those percentages, freemium business model is immensely successful; even more successful than traditional model in some cases, but it has to have a large user base to be profitable.
"For free-to-play, five or ten million is a good user-base," proposed Kislyi. "So if Xbox One or Oculus reach those numbers, we're there."