Well it was suspected that if anyone could run and support the Matrix, that would have to be Microsoft. In this light near death experiences become simple restarts after a blue screen episode...
Still, Microsoft money has managed to clinch a deal for the upcoming Interplay - Shiny title "The Matrix". A loan of $5 million has secured a 6 month exclusivity period for the game on the XBox console. But even when the game does make it to other formats, it will still feature some functions exclusive to the XBox. Plans include more online features, using actual Woo Ping choreography, voices of the actors, more original movie music and more weapons and vehicles.
Microsoft really hate competition on equal terms and it seems that their XBox campaign will be based on that premise.
Information from this story also included the royalties per unit of software sold, that the XBox will get from Interplay. Microsoft will get $5 to $7 per unit of Xbox software, which is less than the average PlayStation 2 royalty of $8 to $10 per unit of software.
The Matrix game is expected to be released no more than three months after the release of "The Matrix II" in movie theatres next summer.