- Xbox 360
Another Bug Hunt
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Complete a Challenge
Don't Count Me Out
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Revive a teammate
Need a Deck Of Cards?
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Set up a UA 571-C Remote Sentry
Ready to Fry Half a City
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Edit a Marine Loadout
Structural Perfection
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: Edit a Xenomorph Loadout
Coming Outta the Walls!
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Kill a Xenomorph climbing on the walls or ceiling
Eat This!
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Kill a Xenomorph with a shotgun at very close range
Field Promotion
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Earn Rank 2 as a Marine
I Feel Safer Already
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Have another player join your party
Love at First Sight
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Survive a Close Encounter with a Facehugger
Micro Changes in Air Density
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Track 100 hostile targets with the Motion Tracker
Oorah to Ashes
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Collect a Dog Tag
Personal Friend of Mine
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: Collect a Legendary Weapon
... But No Cigar
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Rescue a teammate from a Close Encounter
Adios, Muchachos
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Gib two enemies at once
Another Day in the Corps!
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete Distress
Anytime, Anywhere
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Kill a Crusher without it damaging you
Bad Feeling About This Drop
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete Sulaco Falls
Dragged Queen
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete Home
Entry Prohibited
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Kill 10 Xenomorphs that are using vents
Field Modified, Kill Certified
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Upgrade every slot for a weapon
Fire Drill
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Arm the emergency release and escape in under 2:30 on Sulaco Falls
Heavy Lifting
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Defeat the Raven in under 1:10 on Soldier difficulty or higher
It's a Dry Heat
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Kill 3 enemies with a single U4 Firebomb
Just a Grunt
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete Hope in Hadley's
Lean and Mean
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Earn Rank 20 as a Marine
Let's Rock!
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Kill 10 Xenomorphs in a game with the M56A2 Smart Gun
Mostly Come at Night...
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Find Newt's doll
No Need For Alarm
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete One Bullet without setting off the alarm
No Offense
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Melee a Lurker that is pouncing towards you
Perfect Killing Machine
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Upgrade every Loadout slot for a Xenomorph class
Quoth the Raven
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete The Raven
Secreted from What?
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Kill 5 Spitters without being damaged by acid
Short, Controlled Bursts
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Defeat all Xenomorphs in the Sulaco hangar bay without them crossing your barricade
Stay Frosty
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete an entire Challenge category
Still Got a Job to Do
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: Complete Rampart
I Heard THAT
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Collect all 12 Audio Logs
Majority Shareholder
Reward: 25 Points
Objective: Spend 30 Commendations
Adaptive Morphology
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Upgrade every Appearance slot once for a Xenomorph class
Arbitrarily Exterminated
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Kill 2179 Xenomorphs
Distinguished Service Medal
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete all Challenges
Game Over, Man!
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Complete all Campaign levels on any difficulty
I Like to Keep These Handy
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Collect all 6 Legendary Weapons
Remember the Fallen
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Collect all 35 Dog Tags
You Look Just Like I Feel
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: Upgrade every Appearance slot once for your Marine
I Can Handle Myself
Reward: 40 Points
Objective: Purchase all Upgrades for a weapon
I Love the Corps!
Reward: 40 Points
Objective: Earn Rank 60 as a Marine
Not Bad For a Human
Reward: 40 Points
Objective: Complete all Campaign levels on Hardened difficulty
State of the Badass Art
Reward: 50 Points
Objective: Complete all Campaign levels on Ultimate Badass difficulty