Death Jr. - All Weapon Upgrades

Death Jr. - All Weapon Upgrades
All Weapon Upgrades:
Pause the game, then hold L R and press Up2, Down2, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle.

Avoid Lava Damage:
In the Dead Guppy & The Seep Levels, when you fall in the lava, you will take a lot of damage so. Use the "Scythe Hop" continuously to reach a stone to grab yourself with Square.

Refill Ammunition:
Pause game play, then hold LR and press Up2, Down2, Left2, Right2, Square, Triangle. When you exit the start menu, "can't touch this" will apper to confrim correct code entry.

Scythe Combo Moves:
After you collect four Weapon Widgets, pay Smith & Weston to unlock "More Scythe Moves" Then, use the following combinations:

Circle Spin:
Press Square2, Triangle.

Press Square2, X.

Dive Attack:
Press x, Square

Powerful Combo Hit:
Press Square3.

Ledge Grabs & Combos:
In the room with Smith and Weston, go up to the door that you exit through. You can perform an unlimited amount of ledge grabs. If you shoot one of the computers in the room before you begin the ledge grabs you can perform an unlimited combo.

Infinite ammunition:
Pause the game, then hold L R and press Triangle2, X2, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Right, Down.

Big Scythe:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up.

Big Heads:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up.

Fill Pandora Assist meter:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Right, Down, Left, X, X.

Free Seep:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Left, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, X.

Free all characters and unlock all levels:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Up, Up, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, X, X

Eyedoors no longer require souls to open:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Up, Left, Down, Right, Left, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square.

Pause the game, hold R L then press Up,Up,Down,Down,Left,Left,Right,Right,Square,Triangle.

Increased Health and Stamina:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Up, Up, Down, Down, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, X.

Different colored monsters:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Bullet holes become pictures:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle.

Warp to Advanced Training stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, Square.

Warp to Basic Training stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Up, Triangle, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to Big Trouble in Little Downtown stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to Bottom of the Bell Curve stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle.

Warp to Burn it Down stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Up, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to Final Battle stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle, Up, X.

Warp to Growth Spurt stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Up, X.

Warp to Happy Trails Insanitarium stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, Triangle, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to Higher Learning stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle, Down, X.

Warp to How a Cow Becomes a Steak stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to Inner Madness Stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Up, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to Into the Box stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Up, Triangle, Down, X.

Warp to Moving on Up stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, Triangle, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to My House stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to Seep's Hood stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, Triangle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to Shock Treatment stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, Triangle, Up, X, Down, X.

Warp to The Basement:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Up, Triangle.

Warp to The Burger Tram stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Up, X, Down, X.

Warp to The Corner Store stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Warp to The Museum:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Up, X, Down X, Down, X, Down, X Down, X.

Warp to Udder Madness stage:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, X, Down, X, Up, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Weapons have different names:
Pause the game, hold R L then press Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Right, Left, Right, Square, Triangle.

Pause the game, hold R L then press Right, Up, Down, Up, Triangle, Up, Left, Square, Triangle, Right.