- PC
Unlock Black Temple Card Backs:
Reach Rank 20 in Ranked Play mode in May 2014 to unlock these card backs at the 'Options' menu.
Unlockable Rewards:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding rewards.
Arena Mode:
Unlock every Hero.
Better Daily Quests:
Win 50 games against human players in Play Mode. This unlocks the ability to get daily quests with larger gold rewards.
Big Winner Achievement/300 Gold:
Win 1000 games in any mode.
Captain's Parrot card (2x Golden):
Acquire a Golden version of every Pirate card in the Expert Set.
Captain's Parrot Card (2x):
Acquire every Pirate card in the Expert Set.
Chicken Dinner Achievement/300 Gold:
Win 100 games in any mode.
Class-Specific Basic Cards:
Level the corresponding class. Cards are unlocked at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10.
Crafting Time Achievement/95 Dust:
Disenchant a card.
Crushed Them All! Achievement/100 Gold:
Defeat every AI Hero on Expert difficulty in Practice mode.
First Blood Achievement/1 Card Pack:
Complete a game in Play mode.
Gelbin Mekkatorque Card (Golden):
Purchase a pack or arena entry during the Beta perioid with money.
Golden Class-Neutral Basic Cards:
Level every class to Level 60. Cards are unlocked at levels 53-60 for Mage and Warrior, and 51-60 for other classes.
Golden Class-Specific Basic Cards:
Level the corresponding class. A complete set can be obtained at Level 52 for Mage and
Warrior, and Level 50 for other classes.
Got the Basics! Achievement/100 Gold:
Collect every card in the Basic Set. This can be accomplished by leveling every class to level 10.
Level Up Achievement/100 Gold:
Get any class to level 10.
Mage Class:
Complete the tutorial.
Old Murk-Eye card:
Acquire every Murloc card in the Expert Set.
Old Murk-Eye Card (Golden):
Acquire a Golden version of every Murloc card in the Basic and Expert Sets. (This requires a LV53 Warlock, LV51 Priest, LV53 Paladin, and LV53 Rogue).
One of Everything! Achievement/100 Gold:
Collect every card in the Expert Set.
Ready to Go! Achievement/100 Gold:
Unlock every Hero.
The Duelist Achievement/100 Gold:
Play 3 games in Play mode.
Unlock Additional Classes:
Defeat the desired class in Practice mode or Play mode.