Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - Smash Points Levels

Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - Smash Points Levels
Smash Points Levels:
Level Title Password
1 Bruce Banner TRY AGAIN
2 Spiller of Milk MUTANDA
3 Puny Monkey SMASH5
4 Puny Human FSHNCHP
5 You're Not Really Trying OCANADA
6 Big, Green And Useless SMASH15
7 Merely Annoying BANDERA
8 Hulk Smash DEUTSCH
9 Civil Disaster CABBIES
10 Sheer Carnage SMASH10
11 Mass Destruction FURAGGU
12 Catastrophic Destruction DRAPEAU
13 Total Devastation AMERICA
14 Strongest One There Is RETRO
15 Ultimate Destruction BRING IT