- PC
Game Cheats:
Press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER] during a match to open the cheat window That Called "Agreement protocol".
Then Enter One Of The Following Codes.
P.S. You better copy the code from below or write it on your own but make sure that the first letter is Capital letter and ends with exclamation mark "!".
Code - Effect:
Longlivetotherightofinterference! - Switches To The Selected Nation.
Ihopetheywillnotputschme! - Add 100 Level 5 Military Units.
Helpmepresidentwashingsky! - Demonstrations Away - No Pause.
Mypeoplelikeme! - Increases popularity by 10%.
Whereismyslushfund! - Reportedly increases your budget.
Welovetheworld! - Makes other nations like you.
Trustmeyeswecan! - Unions/Political Groups/Etc of your country will become green.
Itoldyou2012wastheend! - Little Cutscene then the game ends.
Nelsonmandelapower! - Makes all non-rivals into allies.
How to get free Alot of Money?:
1) If you play with a poor nation like "Egypt" :D select a country like " USA , China , Japan , Russia , England , Canada " or any you want but these are the best to aid you :P.
2) Press [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER]
2) Type "Longlivetotherightofinterference!" the selected country will be all yours.
3) Select your Country "Egypt" then Right Click on It and from "Diplomacy >> Give Aids " write the Donation you want but note that you can't send more than "25% of GDP".
4) Select your Country and repeat the Steps "2 & 3" That's All.
5) Enjoy.