- Saturn
NOTES: Some new Cheat Codes were added to "Family Fun Stuff" expansion. Some of them do not exist in the previous Expansion Packs. Most of the Cheat Codes listed here will function on the Original game HotKeys: Cheat Codes case insensitive: The above Codes were probably added by the "Family Fun Stuff" expansion. addNeighborToFamilyCheat [onoff] Toggle on or off. AgeSimsCheat [onoff] AgeSimsCheat aging [onoff] - Turns aging on or off aspirationLevel [0-5] Sets the aspiration level of the selected aspirationPoints [num] give the selected sim some extra autoPatch [-on-off] enable or disable checking for bloom [R G B X] Changes color of screen visual. RGB changeLotZoning [residential community greek dorm clear Clear the console window deleteAllCharacters This cheat will delete all characters in the exit Close/Hide the cheat console window Escape hide Close/Hide the cheat console window Escape expand Expands or contracts the output portion of the x Expands or contracts the output portion of the faceBlendLimits [-on-off] turns on / off facial blending limits familyFunds Use 'familyFunds [familyName][value]' to set filmGrain [X] X is the film grain value [0,1]. forcetwins Force the selected pregnant sim to have twins help [wildcard] [-all] Logs this help output. h [wildcard] [-all] Logs this help output. ? [wildcard] [-all] Logs this help output. kaChing Increase family funds by 1,000 letterBox [X] letterbox the screen add black borders on lockAspiration [on/off]: Locks/Unlocks the aspiration score of maxMotives Sets all the motives to maximum for all sims on motherLode Increase family funds by 50,000 motiveDecay [on/off]: Turns motive decay on/off for all moveObjects [onoff] Allows user to move objects that are PlumbBobToggle Toggle the showing of plumbBob roofSlopeAngle [15 - 75] Slope Angle in Degrees 45 is default setHighestAllowedLevel [level] Sets the highest allowed level setHour [0-23] sets the hour of the day setLotLightingFile [filename.txt] or [clear] override some of the showHeadlines [onoff] - Shows/Hides all thought bubbles, slowMotion [0-8] slows the animation timer 0=normal speed stretchSkeleton [factor] stretches skeleton of the selected Sim terrainType Changes terrain type Temperate/Desert/Dirt/ unlockCareerRewards Unlocks all career reward objects for the vignette [centerX centerY X] Blur rendering from vsync [onoff] Enables/disables vertical sync - can history debug [purge if else elseif endif set] INSTALLATION: 2. Open the game Cheat Console: A CONSOLE window should open with a cursor. 3. Enter your codes. NOTES: The various Codes can be ineffective in certain areas of the game. 4. Type "exit" / "hide" or hit the ESCAPE key to leave the console. |