- PC
Cheat Codes: Locate and open the TurokInput.ini file in your GameConfig folder using Notepad. Locate the following lines: [Engine.Console] and change to: [Engine.Console] Now, while playing, press the [END] key to bring up the console and type any of the following cheat codes. Code - Result: Easy Kills/One Hit Kills: TurokWeapKnife and locate the following line which starts with: ;;; damage And then change ALL the values to something big like 999. eg: ;primary So, this will kill all the enemies with 1 shot. For the BOW and the StickyGun just search for the word 'Damage' under the ' ;;; Non-multiplayer' headings in the file. Inhuman difficulty: Defeating Mama Scarface: When facing Mama Scarface in the final battle, you should have the bow and perhaps another weapon. When the battle starts she will run towards you. In the direction you are facing are little lights in different areas of the battleground. To your far right her left is a light against a fence or wall that has the pulse rifle. This weapon is your goal. It is the strongest weapon you will receive in this battle. It is also far better than the rocket launcher. As the battle starts if you do not have it already, the shotgun is to your left near some boxes and a body. The flare helps and she will follow it, giving you some time to run from cover to cover. Travel the battlefield starting in the clockwise position, running from cover to cover using the flare as a distraction. When you finally reach about 4'oclock the pulse rifle position, use it on her. Shoot for the head and make sure not to miss. Pay attention to your overheating. Make sure it does not happen. Circle the nearby box for cover and just unload the entire weapon. She should drop before it get empty. Run at her with your knife and press the action button sequence on her. To defeat the T-Rex after defeating Kane, notice the containers in the level. Run to the containers and around them you will find dead enemy bodies. Pick up their weapons and run around the containers shooting at the T-Rex. The ESUS Blackfly sticky bomb gun works very well. When the T-Rex falls, run over to its head with the knife to finish the beast off. At the start of the battle you should have 10 Tek arrows. Use them to shoot the T-Rex in the head while looking for the shotgun to your left. When you get the shotgun, circle around the box where the shotgun was found and keep shooting her in the head while shooting flares to keep her disoriented. When the T-Rex fallsm go to her head and knife her. If done correctly, you should not have died. Defeating chaingunners: Defeating dinosaurs: Defeating scorpions: Defeating soldiers: Defending against a maul: Run faster: Stealth tactics: Hiding from enemies: |