Starfield Your Personal Spacestation Mod v1.1

Starfield Your Personal Spacestation Mod v1.1 Starfield Your Personal Spacestation Mod v1.1 Starfield Your Personal Spacestation Mod v1.1 Starfield Your Personal Spacestation Mod v1.1 Starfield Your Personal Spacestation Mod v1.1

Your own personal Spacestation, Filled with all the amenities a galaxy explorer needs. It's fairly small and personal, housing all the workstation*, displays, and storage, to get you started exploring the galaxy.

The station is in the Tau Ceti system, In Orbit around Tau Ceti III.

I have tagged every available object in the main station as removable to the Decorator, so you should be able to strip it comepletely clean (Apart from the computer terminal in the bedroom (sorry, if this becomes a real issue I may remove it entirely). If there is anything I missed, feel free to let me know. Happy Customizing!

Known Issues: The Armillary is currently not functional

Also, Just in case, I have not had this issue with many of the most recent builds, but incase anyone does run into it, If you warp to the station and it is not in orbit, jump to a near-by planet and back and the station will be where it should be.

*not every workstation, missing the Industrial workbench 

File information

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File size: 145.69 KB

Mime type: application/octet-stream; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary