Fallout: London is out, but there's a big catch for Steam players

Fallout: London is out, but there's a big catch for Steam players

Fallout: London, the (very) long-awaited mod for Fallout 4, is finally available for general release. You can download and run the game on Steam or GOG, but there's a big catch for Steam players, and you'll need to be aware of that before you try and run the game.

News in brief

  • Fallout: London is the long-awaited mod for Fallout that places the game in the United Kingdom
  • The mod is available on GOG and Steam
  • But Steam players need to be aware of a big modification that's needed to run the mod


Fallout: London is a total conversion modification for Fallout 4 that removes the player from the city of Boston, and transports them across the pond to the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is London. Anglophiles and British people alike will spot a lot of familiar landmarks across the mod, and will probably notice that nuclear war has cleaned the place up a little bit.

To say Fallout: London has been a long time coming is understating it. Six months ago, it seemed like all was good to release the mod, but then Bethesda dropped the Next Gen patch, destroying the base on which the mod had been built, and delaying publication of the mod. Thankfully, the mod is out anyway, but not without some caveats for Steam players. If you're playing through a Steam copy of Fallout 4, then you need to roll your version back to You can use a mod to do this, but it's a bit of a pain, especially when this will break any mods you're also using.

The better option is definitely to use GOG's version of Fallout 4. It's been tuned to work with the Fallout: London mod from the get-go, and if you're anything like us, a clean version of Fallout 4 that doesn't include any mods is probably a good idea. Of course, this is likely to be an expensive option for most, as most of us probably already have Fallout 4 on Steam and will need to re-purchase it on GOG. But think of it as a charge for Fallout: London and it's easier to stomach.