Why Sony Removed The Ability To Shoot Oneself From Its VR Demo

Why Sony Removed The Ability To Shoot Oneself From Its VR Demo

The London Heist demo for PS4’s Morpheus virtual reality headset used to allow players to point the gun at themselves and pull the trigger. However, this simple ability was removed from the final demo after play testers found it surprisingly stressful.

"Originally, when the Sony London team was making the London Heist demo, they had the ability for you to shoot yourself," said Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida. "You could point your gun at yourself. And that felt wrong - it was too stressful - so they removed it. The medium is so powerful, so we need to be careful with what we provide."

What do you think? Does the heightened immersion presented by virtual reality increase its impact? Or is this just the usual overreaction every new form of entertainment from comic books to metal music to videogames faced?