Aaragon Deluxe Gold Edition (Levels Unlocker)
Text file description:
. . . . : : | | [ P r e s e n t s ] AB!DF2^SAC Aargon Deluxe Gold Edition Trainer (c) Twilight Games ---- Released : 28-09-2001 : Game Type : Protection : : # of Disks : 1 * 2.88mb ---- Windows 95 / 98, 400M HD, DirectX 7.x, 32M RAM ---- [ G a m e N o t e s ] Run the trainer and use the following key to activate it: F1 : Unlock all Levels NOTE: Use the trainer at the Player Selection Screen! / Miramax ---- [ I n s t a l l N o t e s ] For instructions, read above. ---- All done by Trainer Editor v4.0 (C)oded by Miramax 2001 THIS FILE PASSED THE GATES OF CASTLE CAMELOT .... ferrex SAC^DNS GUILDS AT THE CASTLE SAC .................... WORLD HQ BACKLASH ............... WORLD HQ CLASS ........................ HQ DIGITAL FACTORY ....... EUROPE HQ BLIZZARD .............. EUROPE HQ COUNCIL ............... EUROPE HQ ODDITY ................ EUROPE HQ SCOTCH ....................... HQ DW2K .................. GERMAN HQ INTUTILS ..................... HQ UCFPDA ................. WORLD HQ REBELS PDA ............. WORLD HQ CORE PDA ..................... HQ XXXXXXXXXXXXXX ......... WORLD HQ - ferrex SAC - this phile got satisfied at.. (TM) . . . . . cg! . . .. ..Angles.on.Drugs...g.hQ.. . . . . ..Divine...g.hQ.. ..Digital.Factory...g.hQ.. . . . ..Drink.or.Die...g.hQ.. . ..Heritage...g.hQ.. . . ..Intension...r.hQ.. ..Stream..g.hQ.. ..Dynasty..r.hQ... . ..Deutsche.Warez.Partei..g.hQ.. . . . . . . ..:[pimpin europe]:.. . . . . . . . . . . . . * *
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 54.75 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
October 14, 2001 - 9:00pm