BReWErS Sins of a Solar Empire v1.15 (+8 Trainer)

Sins of a Solar Empire v1.15 (+8 Trainer)


Sins of a Solar Empire v1.15 (+8 Trainer)

Text file description:

                            -*- P R E S E N T S -*-
       Notes On Crack/Credits                     Game Information
  Date of Release  15-Mrz-2009        Release type  Trainer
  Nr. of Options   3                  Supplied by   Skidrow
                                  Game Notes
 Take  control  of  one  of three space-faring races as you work to establish
 your  dominance  of  the  galaxy  in  Sins  of  a  Solar  Empire. Through a
 combination  of  diplomacy,  economic  savvy,  the spread of culture and of
 course  sheer brute force and victory on the battlefield you will establish
 order over your corner of the galaxy.
 Explore the Epic Scale of a Dynamic Galaxy
 Explore  and  conquer  neighboring  planets  and distant solar systems in a
 massively   scaled,   fully   3D  galaxy  featuring  planets,  clusters  of
 asteroids, rare comets and radiant stars.
 Customize and Improve Powerful Units.
 As  battle  hardened  capital  ships advance in level, their core offensive
 and   defensive  systems  are  improved  and  their  unique  abilities  are
 unlocked.   Try  out the devastating Raze Planet, the tactical Clairvoyance
 and the hull ravaging Phase Missile Swarm.
 Take on Multiple Roles
 Transition  between the roles of emperor and fleet commander as you zoom-in
 seamlessly  to  direct  a  crucial  battle  while managing the rest of your
 empire effortlessly on the same screen.
 Capital ShipsExtensive Diplomatic and Economic Strategies
 Diplomatic  and  economic  strategies  can  exercise  a  variety of options
 including  forging  and  breaking  alliances,  trading  resources,  placing
 bounties  on  backstabbing  ex-allies  and over-powered tyrants, blockading
 enemy  planets,  establishing trade routes and manipulating the commodities
 Real Time Strategy Game
 Technical Features
 Multiplayer  Gameins  of  a  Solar Empire is powered by the Iron Engine - a
 brand  new, advanced graphics engine from developer Ironclad Games that was
 built  specifically  for  Sins.   Using the latest in DirectX 9 technology,
 Sins  is  able  to  deliver  a  massive,  detailed galaxy for the player to
 explore,  expand  into,  exploit  and  ultimately conquer in real-time, all
 while  being  able to perform well on a range of systems and hardware. Here
 are  a few of the major features of the Iron Engine that you'll see in Sins
 of a Solar Empire:alt="Alien Combat"
     *  Can  support  thousands  of  planets  and  solar  systems,  the only
       limitation is the player's system.
     *  Massive, detailed textures on ships, planets and orbital structures.
     *  Hundreds  of  ships  on-screen  at  once,  engaged  in  epic battle.
     *  Up  to 10,000 particles (explosions, missiles, laser blasts etc.) on
       the screen at once in full-out combat.
     *  Seamless  zoom-in  and  zoom-out  from  looking  at  a one-man space
       fighter,   to   viewing  your  entire  empire  spanning  billions  of
       kilometers of space.
     *  The  Iron Engine is designed to perform well on systems ranging from
       middle-of-the-road  hardware,  to the biggest, most powerful machines
       on  the  market  today.   Effects,  number of ships, planets etc. are
       only  limited  by  how  powerful  your  machine  is.   There  are  no
       hard-coded limits.
 Space War GameUnder the Hood...
 Beyond  what  you'll  specifically be seeing in Sins of a Solar Empire, the
 Iron  Engine packs a number of advanced features that take advantage of the
 most  powerful  graphics  cards  on the market.  These features ensure that
 the  engine,  and  games  built  with  it,  will  easily  scale with future
 Here  are  just  a  few  of  the  technical  features  of  the Iron Engine:
     * Per-Pixel Specular Lighting
     * Dynamic Fractal Generation
     * Post Process Bloom Filtering
     * High Resolution Compressed Textures
     * Environment Mapping
     *   Custom  Pixel  and  Vertex  Shaders  For  All  Meshes  and  Effects
     * An Advanced Particle System
 1. Extract RARs
 2. Run Trainer or the Game first
 3. Use desired Keys
 4. Have fun!
 Trainer Options:
 Ctrl + F1 - Add 10.000 credits.
 Ctrl + F2 - Add 100 Metals.
 Ctrl + F3 - Add 100 Crystals.
                  General Stuff/ReUnion News/Greets/etc..
 If   you   are   running  Windows  Vista,  please  make  sure  to  run  the
 trainer in administrator mode.
 To  do  so,  Right  click  the  trainer -> Properties -> Compatability and
 choose to run it as administrator.
 Please  also  be  careful  with  modern  firewalls.  They  now  also  have
 several   protections  against  code  injection  which  is  needed  for  a
 trainer  to  work.  Make  sure  you  disable  it while playing or it might
 stop the trainer from running.
 ReUnion salutes:
 Team ReUnion is currently looking for :
 - nothing

File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.


File size: 331.01 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

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