Dungeon Keeper +1 trainer
Text file description:
A!B DF2 oOo WARez RIng ORganization oOo Dungeon Keeper D3D *TRAINER +4* (c) BullFrog 1998 Cracker....: Kaiser Soze Release Date..: May 7th, 1998 Supplier...: Kaiser Soze Oper. System..: Windows 95 Stripper...: Kaiser Soze Protection....: - Packager...: Kaiser Soze Game Type.....: Trainer # of disk..: 1 file Language......: English Req.: Dungeon Keeper D3D (Full or lame rel) oOo Release Notes oOo Another trainer from your favourite group WARRIOR. This one is for Dungeon Keeper D3D (Full or *** rel). The options are the following: 1. UNLIMITED CREDITS 2. ALL ROOMS 3. ALL SPELLS 4. ALL ARTIFACTS (Doors, Traps,...) Yep, that's right. With options 2, 3 & 4, u will be able to build all rooms, cast all spells & use all artifacts in EVERY LEVEL (even in the first one if u want too...) Enjoy this great trainer and expect much more from us soon... oOo Install Notes oOo Extract the file into the dir of your choice (u don't have to extract it into the same dir as the game). Be sure to launch the game BEFORE running the trainer. Now launch the trainer (use ALT-TAB to switch from the game to Windows and double click on the trainer to start it) and choose the keys u want to assign for every options. Be sure to select keys that are not already used by the game. Then switch back to the game and there u go... That's it...enjoy! oOo Group News oOo 54th release of the year for us...and more coming soon! Feel free to join our channel (#Warrior, on efnet) if u have any remarks, suggestions, problems...or if u just wanna chat with some cool people - unlike many others our channel is not 'invite only' :) How to be a lamer in 4 easy steps: 1 Join MALIGN 2 Release a game that doesn't work (Dungeon Keeper Gold, for example) 3 Be sure to include the intro in order to waste some 20 files but not the files needed for D3D (who needs D3D for a D3D version anyway?) 4 When ppl tell u that the game is not cracked and that there's no sound release a addon for D3D (but nothing for the sounds...after all, nobody wants to hear sound when playing a game) That's it...u're now totally lame! Congrats... - Kaiser oOo Founders oOo CIAN & KAISER SOZE oOo Members oOo BEW, CADABER, CIAN, CK, DEBBER, HYPOCRISY, IPEX, JR, KAISER SOZE, KRUZIN, MAESTRO, MALNUT, NEWAGE, NICK, RAGGER, SARGON3, SMOKE & TOOHIP. oOo Greetings oOo Groups....: BACKLASH, GWB, HYBRID, PARADIGM, RAZOR 1911, #TRG & UCF. Personal..: AMAZON, ASTRAL, CADABER, CAFFEINEMAN, CAROL, CHRISTO, DANNO-1, DOPEHAT, FANTOME, FlEbBhUe, GAG, GLACIER, GOD-EMPEROR, JUDGE, KELT, KJKOOL, LEEKS, MORDREK, OFFICEDOG, PHATBOY, PIPO, RICK, RIZZ, SAMADHI, SANDMAN, SONNY, STUPID, SUPER DOGFIGHTER, TOAST, ULTIMO7, WIN3DFX & ZOLLA. oOo Sites oOo Site Name............... SiteOp............ Speed........ Position........ APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T3+ ......... Warrior World Hq DWH..................... DWH............... T3+ ......... Warrior U.S. Hq CIAN.................... CIAN.............. T1+ ......... Warrior N.A. Hq IMMACULATE.............. BEW............... T1+ ......... Warrior Euro Hq NEWAGE.................. NEWAGE............ T3+ ......... Member HYPOCRISY............... HYPOCRISY..........T3+ ......... Member THE BLACK LOTUS......... DEBBER............ T1+ ......... Member MAESTRO..................MAESTRO............T1+ ......... Member THE HUNCHBACK........... NICK.............. T1+ ......... Member WG-1.................... jR................ Cable ....... Member THE EIGHT ARMY.......... SARGON3........... Cable ....... Member APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T3+ ......... ??? APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T3+ ......... ??? APPLY NOW............... APPLY NOW......... T3+ ......... ??? oOo Contact Warrior oOo Interested in joining us? Here's how: iRC EFnet..: #Warrior. ICQ........: Kaiser Soze (2074378) Via Email..: Warrior@hotmail.com. WWW........: Not yet We are currently looking for suppliers, crackers & sysops, but NOT for couriers, so don't bother to ask... ASCii header and layout updated by...................... Antibody/Defacto2 Warrior nfo last updated 1-may-1998 by........................ Kaiser Soze established june 1997. ( the crew ) abraxas. aboul. blak. bjerka. boomer. cybergod. debber. dawn. dizzy. djogzz. doublee. druggy. fls. grim. grizzly. incog. jaded. mc. pixie. psi. raidman. sharkie. shockie. sicko. snap. smoke. storm. teklord. tina. tom. torkie. treznor. wadood. wolfje. wrecker. xanadu. xept. xrex. ( the sites ) realms of chaos t-3 world hq the wolves' house t-3 euro hq white house 100Mb u.s. hq vision factory t-3 courier hq mos eisley 135Mb membersite the black lotus t-1 membersite private t-3 iso hq ____________. ___________ .___________ ___________. ______ ____ |_ /________| ______. |.| ____ |_________ _____/ /_________ ____. /_ _______ | (____)____. ._____. /___ / ___/ // | ____/ | | _____|_ | |_| | ___. / >___ /) / |/ /) | \ / | _/|_ |/ / /___ /____ (_______________) |____________ __| | \___ / \_______ \______ /______//______ | | /___/ _ ______________________________________________________ |_____| ________ _ e q u a l i t y /___________ EQL! ( group news ) need to talk to us? find us in #equality on efnet. or mail us at equality4all@hotmail.com ( information ) we are a group made up of friends. no egos allowed. we are all equal, and treat each other with respect. we believe in two things, equality for all members and quality in our couriering. that's the bottom line. nfo header: blak nfo layout: druggy last updated: 03/13/98 nfo footer: cybergod _____ ______ ________ ________________ ____\____ \____ ____ \ ______ e _/______\__ q __\___\_ \ l \__ / \_______\ /____ \_\________\___\___ \________ \_______ this fIle cOuld nOt eScaPE tHE cLawS Of ASCII Ex0 THE T H E W O L V E S H O U S E [ Equality EHQ - Shock WHQ - NoBliege WHQ - Core EHQ ] This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: dungkeepd3d.zip
File size: 144.73 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am