Dungeon Siege 2 v2.2 (+8 Trainer)
Text file description:
aSiaN SouND eXPReSS peps!cRo +AiiA Game..........: Dungeon Siege II v2.20 Type..........: Trainer Cheat Info....: Option + 8 Release Size..: 19kb x 1 Target Rlz....: Dungeon_Siege_II_v2.2_Patch _CRACKED-TNT Date..........: October 08, 2005 Ripper........: Team aSx RELEASE NOTES 1. release files with winrar 3.x. 2. run trainer, run game. 3. in game Press F2 ... Infinite Health F3 ... Infinite Mana F4 ... Infinite Golds F5 ... Infinite Skill Points * F6 ... One Hit Kill F7 ... Super Fast Level Up * F8 ... Extra Attributes * F9 ... Unlimite Party Member * F10 .. Back To Normal Press the "End Button" on the trainer to quit. This trainer supports 2 languages of DS2, they are: - English - Chinese (CHT/CHS) This trainer only support DS2 with v2.20 patch. If you didn't update your game yet, please do not use this trainer. Otherwise your game will crash. This v2.2 trainer will be our last update for DS2 , Plz do not send us email for trainer request anymore. By vX@aSx Option Description: -------------------- * ALL OPTIONS SHALL WORK FOR ENTIRE PARTY . * [F5] ... Infinite Skill Points: - only thing you should know is new skills learning are still under control by your charater's level. like: if you only have lv.1 magic, you cannot learn skills that under magic lv.5 , etc. - once your level reached the requirement, you can do free upgrade, when this option is on. yes, even though your skill point remains 0 . - lv.20 is the limit of each skill. * [F7] ... Fast Level Up - after you turned on this option, use each of your "melee", "range", "magic" to kill some enemies, you will see what happen. - lv.100 is the limit. * [F8] ... Extra Attribues - this option will TEMPORARILY add 1000 point to anything that in your charater menu. - this option will NOT physically change any of status to your team members. NO MATTER you saved your game or not. after you turn off this opiton and reload your game saves once, every things will be back to normal, all of the 1000 extra points will be gone. - this option will NOT affect to any things that from the skill menu. * [F9] ... Unlimited Party Members - technically you can unlimited to add people to your party. but please do NOT physically have more than 6 prople, otherwise you will get error !! -_-b allEnL@aSx CONTACT iNFO // APPLiCATiON if you found any mistake in our trainer, please email us on: apply_asxdox@msn.com news: we are currently looking for 100mbit eu affil site(s). can you help? GROUP GREETS GANT MXiSO PiZZADOX and ALL THOSE WHO KEEPING THE GAME SCENE ALIVE and ALL THOSE WHO IS SUPPORTING TEAM aSx !! header peps[AiiA] [A] 06MAR 2003 layout done by... mRmiSta[AiiA] SAUCE00 mRmiSta ASCiiANCE 20050305
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 21.53 KB
Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
October 8, 2005 - 9:00pm