F22 Red Sea Operation trainer
Text file description:
1 9 1 1 <JED> Razor 1911 Proudly Presents: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F22 Red Sea Operation Trainer (c) Ocean. Supplied By : MiRaMaX Release Date : 7th June, 1998 Cracked By : - Protection Type : - Game Type : Flight Sim System Type : W95 Packed By : MiRaMaX 3D Acceleration : Yup Requirements: Win95, P166, 16MB, Direct-seX 5 Game Notes & Crack Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This little trainer offers you: F10 : Unlimited Armo F11 : Unlimited Flares F11 : Unlimited Chaffs Installation & Rip Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unzip and unace then copy f22train.exe to the installed dir and execute. Use the coresponding F-keys during the game, to enable the trainer. Razor 1911 Greetings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personal : Jaydee, ][ce, Acpizer, DaJackal, Stone, Manhunter, Cypher, Beowulf, Random, Trevis, Gollie, Sundancer, Toast, Exeron, Shinobi, DrMabuse, Anakin, Wazup, Outha, ATM, Sakic, Hetero, D-Unknown, Mason, Devil, Hoson and the rest of Razor. Group : The System, Hybrid, Paradigm, Devotion, PFT and RiSC. Razor 1911 News & Announcements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please feel free to contact us about any new PATCHES or ORIGINALS or ADDONS. But make sure they are very NEW. And the only ADDONS we like are the ones that are made by the same company that made the original game. CONTACT US NOW! ####### In 1992 and 1995, Razor 1911 let people of the scene own their very own piece of memorabelia with the famous RAZOR t-shirt. In a similar tri-yearly fashion (it's coincidence) RAZOR is proud to be offering the 1998 RAZOR TSHIRT. This is a limited time offer.. MANY people asked for a shirt a LONG time after we sold out of the 1995 version, so if you want one NOW is the time to ACT! Please see the order form at the BOTTOM of this .nfo. for more details. ####### PEOPLE OF THE SCENE TAKE NOTE: Our scene have changed dramatically over the years - today we call it an online scene. This summer, a new ERA hits the PC scene. Go to #THESYSTEM of EFNET if you can contribute with news, rumours, in-depth reports or anything else of value to a scene based disk magazine. Ask for <SUN_DNCR>. The Gods at Razor 1911 are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aggro. August West. Bad Sector. Beep. Beowulf. Big Boss. BoneZ. Bunter. Buzz Lightyear. Cockroach. Colossus. Coup. Cypher. Cyric. Dajackal. Damus. Elves. Erupt. Exhale. Faceless. Flounder. GBH. Gogolie. Hetero. Hooligan. ][ce. Jkowall. Juz. Manhunter. Mach-V. Miramax. MyM. Pharaoh. Pork Chop. Philter. Pitbull. r0adkill. Sir Aragorn. Slice. Spectre. Spoon. Sun Dancer. The Cobraman. The Pep. The Punisher. Third Son. Toast. Toth. Vitas. Wild Child. Wish Bone. Wolverine. The Gods of the Net & BBS Scene: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Barnil. Brain. Dark Angel. Embassy. Fireblade. Kerisma. MossyOak. Overdrive. Prozest. Phiber Optik. Sakic. Shinobi. Sminded. Spud. Techno Rave. Wazza. World-Famous Razor 1911 sites/boards: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ K2 World HQ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted DO USA HQ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted HOT Canada HQ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted FOS German HQ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted MBZ France HQ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted NMS UK HQ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted XQZ USA HQ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted MW Sweden HQ XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted GCS Member Site XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted TTD Member Site XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted RH Affiliate Site XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Unlisted Pxxxxxt X WORLD BBS HQ 8 Node (s) Unlisted Axxxx Canadian BBS HQ 13 Node (s) Unlisted The Crypt Member BBS 4 Node (s) Spectre Altered Reality Affiliate BBS 3 Node (s) RP/Shinobi NOTE: If your site is not on the above list, then your site is NOT in Razor! ALSO: Beware fake razor members! Anyone not listed is NOT in Razor! Do you want to be a part of the RAZOR legend? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are ALWAYS looking for talented PEOPLE to be a part of the RAZOR legend. Are you able to help in any of following areas: Do you work for a software house, store/shop, distributor, or publisher? Can you supply un-released games, utilities, or even some hardware? Are you working for a fast ISP, or other supplier of shell accounts, etc? Can you donate something else of value to the group? Do you want your site/board to be part of the RAZOR legend? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you run a site/board and are ready to contribute to the success of the oldest cracking group on the IBM, get in touch with us. All of our siteops are actively participating in the success of the group, so if you plan to just sit there and run a board/site, forget it. RAZOR 1911 DOES NOT TAKE COURIER APPLICATIONS Cutting Deep Into Lameness (c) Razor 1911 You may reach us via E-mail at: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ newsupply@hotmail.com Razor 1911 World Wide Web Site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.razor1911.com Razor 1911 Founder's Web Site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.ifi.unit.no/razor Razor 1911 For Supply-Mail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Razor 1911 Razor 1911 USA ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (No Name) (No Name) PO Box 907 Suite 189 London 2611 North Hiatus Road SW11 6RL Cooper City, Florida United Kingdom USA 33026 >> newsupply@hotmail.com << (Or simply ask to join #RAZOR on IRC) SUPPORT THE COMPANIES THAT PRODUCE QUALITY SOFTWARE (C). IF YOU LIKED THIS GAME, BUY IT. -*- R A Z O R 1 9 1 1 -*- (c) 1985-1998 1998 RAZOR 1911 T-SHIRT ORDER FORM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By reading the following, you understand and agree that these items are being sold as a novelty ONLY. T-shirts will be sold on a pre-order basis ONLY meaning that you MUST fill out this form COMPLETLEY and submit it along with your payment before you will be sent a shirt. Once payment has been received, your order will be filled within 5 buisness days. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for shipping. The cost of the shirts is $25.00 US funds for EACH shirt ordered. This price includes shipping to anywhere in the world. The only methods of payment that will be accepted are cash and money orders. Send your payment to the following address. T-Shirt Offer Suite 189 2611 North Hiatus Road Cooper City, FL 33026 Size - S, M, L, XL: ( ) Price Per Shirt - $25.00 Quantity - ( ) TOTAL - ($ ) Address you want your shirt(s) sent to: Email address of sender (for communication purposes) This file was tortured in the : ..:.....................................................:. : : :..........: ..:: DoD ::.. ..:: RAZOR ::.. ..:: RiSC ::.. : : : ..:: UCF ::.. ..:: BLH ::.. .....:... .:....:. ____________ _________ _________ ________ : __:_______ _ / \_ /____________/ _ /_______/_ ___/_: _ _____/_ l/ /_____ /_ ______ _ /__ l\___/ __ ___/__ / / __________________ _ /_______ _ l/ /__/ ______\___ _______/: /_____ /_ _ l/ /____ /____\_________/ \______/____ : : ......... /____\________/ _____________ _____/_ : : __________ ..Fortress of _ _ _________ : __:____ _ /_____ _______ Solitude! _ l/ /_____ .:..... / ___/_ l/ /_ /___/ /_______ \___________/ ____:__ /___ _________ / _______/ /___ _____ ________ _ /____ /_______/ /_________ : /_ _____//__ \_____\_ /_ l\___/ _/ : : /__________ l _\_ / ___________ ..:..........................:. l_________ /_________-c6! : : : : ....:.......................................:. : : pl DiMENSiON TPC DYNASTY CORE itty SWAT wister CX5! ...HADES... ...Cybernetic Underworld of the Damned... THE FORCE TEAM WORLD HQ RiSE WORLD HQ GCRACK EURO HQ THE REVIEWER'S GUiLD WORLD HQ DiMENSiON WORLD HQ CLASS COURiER HQ This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: f22rsea.zip
File size: 178.32 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am