Fallout 2 +8 trainer
Text file description:
1 9 1 1 <JED> Razor 1911 Proudly Presents: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FALLOUT 2 TRAINER +8 (c) INTERPLAY Supplied By : MINISTER Release Date : Oct. 31 1998 Cracked By : N/A Protection Type : N/A # of Disks : 1 Game Type : RPG System Type : WIN95/98 Packed By : Toast 3D Acceleration : D3D/3DFX Requirements: FALLOUT 2 Game Notes & Crack Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trick or Treat? How about Trick or Cheat! Here's a little something to help you play INTERPLAY'S FALLOUT 2. This trainer has the following options: * Infinite Creation Points * Infinite Action Points * Raise/Subtract Experience * Infinite Stat Points * Infinite Hit Points * Raise/Lower Level If you are a hard-core cheater, be sure to check out RAZOR's FALLOUT 2 datfile unpacker released earlier today! Enjoy this, and have a HAPPY HOLLOWEEN from RAZOR 1911! TOAST - RAZOR 1911 Usage information and notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some notes about this trainer: * Use inifinte creation points ONLY during player creation. Turn it off and it will set your points to 0 and you can exit the screen. * Never Ever sub more levels than you currently have. It will screw your player up. * Add 10 levels to yourself and then subtract them and you can get anothe another special skill. * Turn infinite Attack Points off when you are not using them, since the enemy gets them too. =)~ * Infinite Hit Points does not effect the enemeys, so leave it on at all times. * Never decreace more experience than you currently have. To use this trainer, install this trainer to the location that the FALLOUT 2 executable is located, then run rzrf2trn.exe OR - load and use the trainer while the game is loaded. MINISTER - [RAZOR 1911] Razor 1911 Greetings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Group : Hybrid, Origin, Paradigm, clASS, PWA, DrinkorDie, Siege, RiSC People: The Punisher, Pitbull, Beowulf, Shinobi, Horde, Minister, CWQ, Cool Hand, The Candyman, Line Noise, Fabulous Furlough, Martial Artist, TSA, Garoto, Trainman, Fallen Angel, Garoto, Fkrueger and Big Boss. Razor 1911 News & Announcements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In 1992 and 1995, RAZOR 1911 let people of the scene own their very own piece of scene memorabelia with the famous RAZOR t-shirt. In a similar tri-yearly fashion (it's coincidence...) RAZOR is proud to be offering the 1998 RAZOR T-SHIRT. This is a limited time offer. MANY people asked for a shirt a LONG time after we sold out of the 1995 version, so if you want one NOW is the time to ACT! Please see the order form at the BOTTOM of this .NFO for more details. ########## In lieu of recent events contributing to the breakdown of the now defunct S.P.A. (Software Piracy Association), a private meeting between the key contributing and contending groups was held. On October 15th, 1998 an agreement and compromise was reached between the 3 attending parties, CLASS, PARADIGM and RAZOR 1911. Let it be known that this type of compromise could not be achieved under the S.P.A. environment; it took a clean break to accomplish in a day what had previously gone unaccomplished in 2 months. The end result being a new council whose sole purpose is to set standards for the game-releasing subsector of the scene, to be adhered to by all admitted parties. Represented members of this new council named THE FACTION, have pledged to abide by the following set of rules created a) to ensure a quality minded end result and b) to encourage fair play and a productive competitive environment for involved groups. The Faction 10 Point Program: 1. The disk limit is as of now 50 x 2.88 megabytes or 2,915,328 bytes. This equates to a total of 144 megabytes of compressed data or 145,766,400 bytes. Using 2.88 megabyte archives enables us to keep the standard 8 character filename with a 3 character extension. This will also help contribute to the elimination of the 'missing disk' phenomenon, plaguing end-users worldwide. Acceptable compression formats at this time are ACE or RAR, followed by the traditional PKZIPing. 2. Every release under this limit will be a functionally and playably complete game. This means that included will be every component necessary for the successful completion of the game (every level, track, course and other NECESSARY component). 3. Sound effects WILL and MUST be included. 4. Intros, Outros and Cut-Scenes should be removed if the size of the release is 40 x 2.88 disks or more with them included. Intros should NOT be iuncluded in a Movie Add-On, only Cut-Scenes and Outro (aka End-Scene) should be included. Animation files, such as .SMKs, should be "framed" and not blacked out. Re-indexing of large files, should consist of an actual re-index instead of just creating a file full of 0's, (which doesn't change the actual file size, but allows it to compress to virtually nothing), thus promoting more quality minded rips and cracks. 5. Only 2 Add-Ons should be released per game. Each Add-On should be no more than 25 x 2.88 megabyte archives. 6. A brief outline of what has been stripped from the game should be clearly stated in the game-release .NFO, as well as information as to whether or not Add-Ons can be expected. 7. Children's games (aka Kiddie games) and Edutainment software do not qualify under THE FACTION's guidelines for acceptable releases. 8. In regard to games distributed in the United States that are LATER distributed in Europe or vice versa under the same or different name / publisher. These games if released AFTER another group's release are counted as DUPES unless it can be proven that there is a clearly noticeable PLAYABLE difference in the latter release (eg. new levels, enhanced graphics, or other new features). 9. Fully cracked Update Patches and Trainers are highly regarded, though they are not the responsibility of any group (including that of which released the original game.) If 2 trainers from the same or different groups are released for 1 game, this does NOT qualify as a dupe unless the latter trainer provides no new features over the prior trainer. 10. Admittance to THE FACTION is done on an invite / vote-in basis. The group invitation must be proposed before ALL current FACTION member- group representatives, and the corresponding vote must be undertaken by ALL FACTION member-group representatives. This council operates in a purely democratic manner and all parties therein have upon joining, agreed to follow all stated guidelines of this Declaration of Scene Independence. Today is not only a new dawn in the games scene, but our Independence Day where differences are at least temporarily put aside and our unity re-consolidated. This document was signed & approved on October 17th, 1998 by the following individuals, representing their respective groups: Mr.Skill - [CLASS] - ZEUS [PARADIGM] - The Punisher [RAZOR 1911] The Gods at Razor 1911 are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aggro. August West. Bad Spirit. Beowulf. Big Boss. BoneZ. Bunter Cockroach. Cyric. CWQ. Drather. Flames. FireBlade. Hetero & WOTW. Jkowall Juz. Kelt. Manhunter. Minister. MyM. Philter. Pitbull. Pork Chop. Ranger. Shinobi. Slice. Stone. The Punisher. Third Son. Toast.Wish Bone. Wolverine The Gods of the Net & BBS Scene: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Brain. Biggy. Fain. Garoto. Kerisma. Morbid. Mossy Oak. Stix. Wazza Do you want to be a part of the RAZOR legend? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are ALWAYS looking for talented PEOPLE to be a part of the RAZOR legend. Are you able to help in any of following areas: Do you work for a software house, store/shop, distributor, or publisher? Can you supply un-released games, utilities, or even some hardware? Are you working for a fast ISP, or other supplier of shell accounts, etc? Can you donate something else of value to the group? Do you want your site/board to be part of the RAZOR legend? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you run a site/board and are ready to contribute to the success of the oldest cracking group on the IBM, get in touch with us. All of our siteops are actively participating in the success of the group, so if you plan to just sit there and run a board/site, forget it. ** RAZOR 1911 DOES NOT TAKE COURIER APPLICATIONS ** You may reach us via E-mail at: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ razorinfo@hotmail.com Razor 1911 World Wide Web Site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.razor1911.com Razor 1911 Founder's Web Site ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.ifi.unit.no/razor Razor 1911 For Supply-Mail ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (No Name) Suite 189 2611 North Hiatus Road Cooper City, Florida USA 33026 (Or simply ask to join #RAZOR on EFNET IRC) SUPPORT THE COMPANIES THAT PRODUCE QUALITY SOFTWARE (C). IF YOU LIKED THIS GAME, BUY IT. -*- R A Z O R 1 9 1 1 -*- 1998 RAZOR 1911 T-SHIRT ORDER FORM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By reading the following, you understand and agree that these items are being sold as a novelty ONLY. T-shirts will be sold on a pre-order basis ONLY meaning that you MUST fill out this form COMPLETLEY and submit it along with your payment before you will be sent a shirt. Once payment has been received, your order will be filled within 5 buisness days. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for shipping. The cost of the shirts is $25.00 US funds for EACH shirt ordered. This price includes shipping to anywhere in the world. The only methods of payment that will be accepted are cash and money order. Send your payment to the following address. T-Shirt Offer Suite 189 2611 North Hiatus Road Cooper City, FL 33026 Size - S, M, L, XL: ( ) Price Per Shirt - $25.00 Quantity - ( ) TOTAL - ($ ) Address you want your shirt(s) sent to: Email address of sender (for communication purposes) This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: fallout2.zip
File size: 103.04 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am