Heavy Gear 2 multiplayer trainer
Text file description:
. . . . : : | | [ P r e s e n t s ] AB!DF2^SAC Heavy Gear 2 All Missions CHEAT (c) Class ---- Cracker : Devil : Released : June 22nd, 1999 Supplier : - : Protection : - Stripper : - : Game Type : Cheat Packager : ess-jay : # of Disks : 1 * 2.88mb ---- P166 CPU, 64MB RAM, 500MB HD, 3D Accelerator, DirectX v6.1+, & Windows 95 / 98 ---- [ G a m e N o t e s ] This will give you access to all missions! ***WARNING*** If you wish to use our cheats you MUST include nfo/diz to post on the web. Greets to: China Blue, Mr.Skill, Hemp Hoodlum, Prozac, aTm, Devil, Grudge, Animal & Dogfriend, OfD, Miramax, LeChuck, Horde, Devestator, LGB, SunTzu, Moelch, Garoto, Silent Joe, and everyone else who contributes to the CLASS cause. ---- [ I n s t a l l N o t e s ] Make sure you backup your existing player before you try this cheat. Unpack the files into your HG2 dir and choose player Devil ---- [ G r o u p N e w s ] CLASS is in search of hardware suppliers or anyone capable of making any sort of monetary donation to the group. If you fit the above criterion, please don't hesitate to contact us. The gift is quite small in comparison to the dividend. We extend this offer to every and anyone, from whichever country you hail. Help support those who have supported you for so long. EMail support@class101.com today! CLASS is also in search of a reliable US shell box to help in providing support for the group. If you run or maintain a reliable unix shell box that is based in the US, e-mail support@class101.com. Compensation will be provided for your assistance. Prefer any unix box that is T3+ based and has over 20G of storage space. ---- [ A p p l i c a t i o n I n f o ] Interested in joining? We are looking for talented new members to help us fill the ranks! If you fall within any of the following categories, you might just be what we're looking for: * If you work for a software developer, distributor, or publisher! * If you can supply unreleased games, utilities, or even hardware! * If you work for an ISP, or other provider of shell accounts, etc! * If you feel that you have anything else that might be of value to us! NOTE: WE ARE NOT ACCEPTING COURIERS AT THIS CURRENT POINT IN TIME. ---- [ C o n t a c t i n g C L A S S ] Should you wish to make contact with our members, we can easily be reached via E-Mail at support@class101.com NOTE: WE DO NOT MAIL/FTP MISSING DISKS OF OUR RELEASES, SO DO NOT ASK. ---- "I did it all for the nookie" mGLN/rYL >> w w w . j a y d e e . c z << This trainer has been verified and it 'works'. If you find any difficulties please refer to the documentation that comes with the trainer (if there is any) or it must be due to the version differences of the game that was used for creating this trainer and the version you are using. --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File name: heavyg2.zip
File size: 6.02 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
January 21, 2010 - 11:44am