Interstate '76 editor J

Interstate '76 editor J

Interstate '76 editor J

Text file description:

* Hack76 - i76 Car Editor by ReVoLt & bIGfreeK *
Version .65b
  - This version is just a little update to fix some problems with the last
  version. Sorry it took so long we have been pretty busy in the real world.
  -We now have a little FAQ included in the distribution zip... Read it =)
  -IMPORTANT: This version fixes the invisible car syndrome. In order to work,
  any car who's weight, gravity or base name was changed with version .60b
  must be deleted (you can also delete the .vdf with the EXACT SAME name as the
  .vcf you are deleting if you want) and remade. Otherwise you will be stuck
  with invisible cars. Any cars who's weight, gravity or base name is changed
  with THIS version (.65b) will affect all cars based on that base car. (ie, if
  one of your Manta's flys they all will). We thought we could get away with
  saving seperate .vdf's for each .vcf and it worked when we were testing as we
  happened to have the same .vdf's! Oops! Sorry folks! If anyone is so
  attatched to their car that they do not wish to delete it we will be
  releasing another beta soon that will make those cars work again, wait for it
  or hex edit the vdf name back to the orginal if you know how.
  Hey cheater!
  Hack76 is a little util for editing i76 cars we cooked up when we realized:
   1. Not everyone know's how to edit hex, even with instructions.
   2. Some of us need to learn Delphi ;]
  So off into the desert sun we rode to collect all the specs, hack out
  all the code and add a couple O' keen features along the way. A few days
  later and the first public release is made, and it's only gotten better! If
  you have hacked your i76 cars before using a hex editor than you know how
  tedious it can be to make and test new settings. and if you haven't then
  don't worry `cause You'll never have to!
  Don't hack to win! Hack for Fun! Contrary to popular belief going into a
  newbie game loaded up on hacks and just picking on people will NOT make your
  penis (or breasts) ANY larger. So stop it! Hacks are most fun when everyone
  in the game is using them. Don't ruin someone else's experience just `cause
  they are not into or don't know about hacks! OK I'm done lecturing you now.
  Go cheat!
   Windows95 or NT4.0          grrrr... I76 doesn't run under NT =(
   Some i76 cars.
   Half a Clue.
  Acquire Winzip, pkunzip or some other unzipping type proggy and unzip the
  file you downloaded. Put the hack76.exe file anywhere you wish.
  (The addon subdirectory in your i76 directory is a perfect place!)
  1. Run i76.
  2. Create a car.
  3. Save it.
  4. Run hack76.
  5. Load a car.
  6. Tweak it however you like.
  7. Save it.
  8. Send some $$$ to ReV and freeK...
  9. Rinse, Repeat.
*  Thanks bIGfreeK for ALL the help. The IDEA! and for nice detailed
    descriptions, specs, testing, not sleeping, and generally egging me on!
*  Thanks to Shaft and George Lessman who maintain the 'How Do I?' page
    as most of the lists we used to write this came from there. Thanks Guys!
* Thanks to all of you have mailed us with VERY kind words of Praise, Bug
  Reports, Questions etc... the response has been great and we couldn't do it
  without your feedback!
 *  Thanks to Activision for making a kick ass game!
*  Thanks to ME! for never sleeping.
Email  - for bug reports/questions/shameless requests...
WWW    -
  Changing Weapons on a few of the vehicles is not working properly right now.
   I think it's only some of the secret vehicles that this happens on.
  When changing the tires on some vehicles (The Moth Truck is one...) the
   middle tires are not updated properly. I'll get to it in a day or two.
  Paint and Weapon settings are not loaded into the program when you load a
   car. Nor will they be saved if you don't change them so it's no big deal.
   Add an .ini file so some settings can be saved when you exit the program.
    a. last working dir
    b. window position.
    c. spin-edit increments (these will be variable soon)
    d. Most-Recently-Used menu for quick access.
   Make spin-edits (Armor and Chassis) increment variable. Some may wish to
    set the increment very low if they do not plan on setting these values
    very high. They go up 25 at a time now which is not very convenient for
    those who wish to set it to say 15 or something like that.
HACK76 Version History (Zzzzzzzz.......)
.65b (05/11/97)
  Fixed the problem of invisible cars when weight, gravity or base name were
  changed. No more .vdf for each .vcf =(
.60b (05/05/97)
  Gravity & Weight
    The program now saves a unique .vdf matching the name of the .vcf you are
    saving and changes the .vdf definition in the .vcf to match, but only if
    you alter anything in the .vdf (Grav, Weight...). If you understand
    what i just said then you understand why this is necessary if not then just
    enjoy your flying cars! ;)
  Added New paintjob. NULL, All Black. (thanks to Shaft & George)
  We have a New Titlebar.... w00.....
  New About Box with Hot-Clickable URL Links to our web page and email address.
.50b (05/01/97)
  Implemented the weapon hack.
  Variant Name instead of filename is displayed in the titlebar now.
.25b (04/30/97)
  Car settings are now reflected in the interface when you load a car, (Yay!)
  Added Paintjobs
  bIGfreeK discovered a new tire last night. Added that.
  Added more detailed descriptions to the tire interface.
  Made an Icon.
.07a (04/29/97)
  Finally Re-Wrote the tire interface!
  Added Min/Max Buttons on Armor and Chassis
  Added current filename on the titlebar stylee.
  Optimized some more stuff.
.06a (04/28/97)
  Implemented Specials hack and interface.
  Implemented Engine hack and interface.
  Implemented Suspension hack and interface.
  Implemented Brakes hack and interface.
  Optimized a few things.
.05a (04/28/97)
  Implemented Chassis hack and interface.
.03a (04/28/97)
  Added a tabbed notebook style interface.
  Implemented Armor hack and interface.
.01a (04/27/97)
  Added Front/Rear Tire Button's and a seperate window for picking the tires.
  All this version could do was change the tires.
.00a (04/27/97)
  This one was just a hex viewer for the car files I cooked up to single
  out some of the values that needed changing. Totally non-functional.
  Hey guy's don't blame us if you screw your car(s) up. Please back up your
  car files before manipulating them with this util.Hack76 FAQ - By bIGfreek & ReVoLt
Version 1.0
Q - When I select weapons in the editor they do not appear on the car! What
    can I do?
A - We have gotten all of the weapons in Hack76 to work, if you find a weapon
    that is not working it is usually because that weapon is not available in
    single player mode, you can only use it on a networked game.  To test try
    broadcasting a private game on the net.  If you don't know which weapons
    aren't available in single player mode, just look in the I76 vehicle
    configuration program. If you can't find the weapon there, then you can't
    use it in single player mode.
Q - Why can't I change my weight, gravity, or vehicle name?
A - Sorry, we forgot to tell you, you must get the I76 1.06 patch. This patch
    will put the vdf files required for these hacks in the addon directory.
    To get this patch go to
Q - After using Hack76 other people can't see me and I can't hurt anyone in net
    play.  What is wrong?
A - First go to and get v.65b
    This was a mistake on our part, all car varients draw on one Vehicle
    Definition File, and to change the base weight, gravity, or vehicl name
    you have to edit the vdf.  The only problem is that this will change all
    of your varients based on that vdf (all you manta's will fly, not just the
    one you wanted).  To get by this, we had the program make a copy of your
    default vdf and save it under the same name as your varient, and made the
    varient call on this new hacked vdf (now only one manta flew).  This
    worked great, as long as you weren't playing a networked game. When you
    are playing a networked game, other people's cars call on the vdf in your
    computer, so if everyone doesn't have the same varient as you, then you
    car is calling a vdf that doesn't exist on their machine, so you don't
    exist on their machine.  We have now fixed this problem, but now if you
    make on of your manta's fly, they all will.  Sorry, it just has to be that
    way.  If you saved a car with version .60 and one of the latter hacks, you
    will have to delete your varient and recreate it to get it to work
    properly, sorry.  Anyway, delete the vcf (vcmanta04.vcf) and the vdf
    (vcmanta04.vdf), these are just example filenames. In the previous example,
    do not delete the vcmanta.vdf, this is your default vdf.
    WARNING: if you hack the base weight of you car, you may not be able to get
    it back to the default value.  In a future version, we will include the
    default values, so you can go back to a legal vehicle. BACK UP YOUR CARS!
Q - Can I edit my car for trip mode?
A -  As far as we know, no. It may be possible, but we have not looked into it yet.
Q - Is there a way to add more weapons then there are supposed to be?
A -  We currently do not know of any way to do this. And yes we have tried ;)
Q - Is there a way to select different car types (tank, milk truck, tractor,
    helicopter, skeeter's van...)?
A - Hack76 does not currently support this, but we are looking in to adding it.
Q - Is there any way to make your own paint files?
A - We currently do not know of any way to do this.
Q - Is there any way to edit the car bodies?
A - We currently do not know of any way to do this.
Q - Can you use the Hack76 on for the I76 demo?
A - We don't know, buy the program. :)
This trainer has been verified and it
'works'. If you find any difficulties
please refer to the documentation that
comes with the trainer (if there is any)
or it must be due to the version
differences of the game that was used
for creating this trainer and the version
you are using.


File information

Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.

Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).

This is almost always a false alarm.

File name:

File size: 143.04 KB

Mime type: application/x-dosexec; charset=binary compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary

Trainer FAQ