Toy Golf (+1 Trainer)
Text file description:
m0/CRO iRRM PROUDLY PRESENTS Toy Golf (c) ZOO Digital Release Info Date ....... : Thursday 7th of December, 2006 Hacked save that gives you access to all courses & difficulties! Enjoy! Install Info 1. UnRAR to game-directory overwriting the existing minigolf.dat 2. Enjoy this fine unlocker! Contact We are looking for: - Experienced rippers. - Talented coders (preferably C, C++ or ASM) - Talented reverse-engineers (unpacking of commercial protections) - Individuals with access to new unreleased games. - Dedicated and Stable 50+ Mbps EU/ASIA sites for affiliation. You may contact us at interregnum <at> nerdshack <dot> com or by any other feasible way. Whores n beer are always welcome too.. cheers! Team Interregnum 2006 ASCII: m0/CRO
File information
Trainers are memory resident programs that alter the behaviour of a game.
Your anti-virus software and web browser may detect them as malware (viruses, worms, trojans, bots etc.).
This is almost always a false alarm.
File size: 1.51 KB
Mime type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 compressed-encoding=application/zip; charset=binary
December 10, 2006 - 9:00pm